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由22STUDIO 生產製造,採用日本Miyota 2035石英機芯、熟成水泥錶盤、316L不鏽鋼錶殼、藍寶石玻璃鏡面、翻轉雙面皮革錶帶、專屬限量編號、保固一年終身保修
防水係數 50 米,這樣子的防水規格可以兼顧尺寸輕薄,洗手、淋雨甚至沖澡也不怕,當然我們還是提醒您游泳的時候要取下手錶,因為游泳時瞬間水壓過大還是可能讓手錶進水。
十幾年來我們持續不斷的精進水泥的製程,目前 22STUDIO 的水泥配方是獨家製作的硫鋁酸鹽水泥,實驗室數據抗壓高達 11,000 磅,為一般波特蘭水泥強度的三倍,且硬化速度快,2 小時便可脫模,搭配模具設計,以及 14 天恆溫恆濕的「熟成工法」達到最大強度,我們可以很有自信的說這樣的品質是世界一流的水準。
所有水泥零件都是由我們自己的工作坊手工製作,22STUDIO 的作品,每一件都是時間的產物。我們崇尚有溫度的製作,摒棄大量生產對於獨特性的抹滅,堅持以工匠精神與作坊式的流程打造每一件作品,用心完善每一個細小環節,以最嚴格的標準呈現我們的心血結晶。
Taiwan Area
The FLIPPOS shipping service for Taiwan is using Kerry TJ Logistics. The Shipping cost cost is NT$100 in Taiwan area, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$1,500.
Hong Kong Macau Area
FLIPPOS shipping service for Hong Kong Macau area is using SF EXPRESS. The shipping cost is NT$250, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$3,000.
International Shipping In Asia
FLIPPOS shipping service for Asia (Asia, Southeast Asia, Atlantic) is using International Package of Taiwan Post Office. The shipping cost is NT$500, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$5,000.
International Shipping In Europe America
FLIPPOS shipping service for Europe United States (Europe, Middle East, America) is using International Package of Taiwan Post Office. The shipping cost is NT$700, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$6,000.
Note: International Custom Duties are not included in the shipping fee. International orders may be charged customs fees by the destination country's government and these are not included in FLIPPOS’s shipping fee.
日本Miyota 2035石英機芯、熟成水泥錶盤、316L不鏽鋼錶殼、藍寶石玻璃鏡面、按拉錶冠、5ATM防水、植物纖維皮革(綠)&小牛皮革(紫)錶帶、專屬限量編號、驕傲的台灣製造。
P.S. 附上換錶帶專屬工具,錶帶可隨心情翻轉搭配。
錶帶:寬度20mm、長度80/125 mm、厚度3mm。
Taiwan Area
The FLIPPOS shipping service for Taiwan is using Kerry TJ Logistics. The Shipping cost cost is NT$100 in Taiwan area, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$1,500.
Hong Kong Macau Area
FLIPPOS shipping service for Hong Kong Macau area is using SF EXPRESS. The shipping cost is NT$250, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$3,000.
International Shipping In Asia
FLIPPOS shipping service for Asia (Asia, Southeast Asia, Atlantic) is using International Package of Taiwan Post Office. The shipping cost is NT$500, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$5,000.
International Shipping In Europe America
FLIPPOS shipping service for Europe United States (Europe, Middle East, America) is using International Package of Taiwan Post Office. The shipping cost is NT$700, free shipping for a single transaction over NT$6,000.
Note: International Custom Duties are not included in the shipping fee. International orders may be charged customs fees by the destination country's government and these are not included in FLIPPOS’s shipping fee.